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Belonging Climate Survey: Students

An important goal of Wissahickon School District is to create a culture of belonging for staff and students. The purpose of the Belonging Climate Survey is to help assess the degree to which staff and students in our district perceive a sense of belonging. Specifically, the student survey will help answer the question: “To what extent do students feel a sense of belonging in our school community?”

For students in grades fourth through twelfth, the Belonging Climate Survey’s administration window will begin during the week of February 18th and conclude on March 3rd. All responses are anonymous and cannot be linked to individual students. While we hope that all students will participate in the survey for us to gain valuable insight to make the climate in our schools even better, completing the survey is optional.  

The questions and statements that students will be asked to address can be found below for your reference.

Belonging Climate Survey Questions
Grades 4-5



  1. Select your school. 
  2. What grade are you in? 
  3. How many years have you been at this school?
    a.      (If one year is selected) Did you attend another school in this district last year? (yes, no)

PSSM Questions (ranking scale: always true to never true) 

  1. I feel like a real part of my school.
  2. People notice when I'm good at something.
  3. It is hard for people like me to be accepted here.
  4. Other students in this school take my opinions  seriously.
  5. Most teachers at this school are interested in me.
  6. Sometimes I don't feel as if I belong here.
  7. There's at least one teacher or other adult in this school I can talk to if I have a problem.
  8. People at this school are friendly to me.
  9. Teachers here are not interested in people like me.
  10. I am included in lots of activities at this school.
  11. I am treated with as much respect as the other students.
  12. I feel very different from most other students here.
  13. I can really be myself at this school.
  14. The teachers here respect me.
  15. People here know I can do good work.
  16. I wish I were in a different school.
  17. I feel proud of belonging to my school.
  18. Other students here like me the way I am.

Open-ended Response Question

What could the school do to help you feel more connected?

Demographic Questions

  1. How old are you?
  2. Which of the following best describes your racial or ethnic background?
    b.    You selected other for the question about what best represents your race or ethnicity.  If you are comfortable, please share your race or ethnicity. 
  3. Which best describes your gender? (female or male)


Belonging Climate Survey Questions
Grades 6-12



  1. Select your school. 
  2. What grade are you in? 
  3. How many years have you been at this school?
    a.      (If one year is selected) Did you attend another school in this district last year? (yes, no)

PSSM Questions (ranking scale: always true to never true) 

  1. I feel like a real part of my school.
  2. People notice when I'm good at something.
  3. It is hard for people like me to be accepted here.
  4. Other students in this school take my opinions  seriously.
  5. Most teachers at this school are interested in me.
  6. Sometimes I don't feel as if I belong here.
  7. There's at least one teacher or other adult in this school I can talk to if I have a problem.
  8. People at this school are friendly to me.
  9. Teachers here are not interested in people like me.
  10. I am included in lots of activities at this school.
  11. I am treated with as much respect as the other students.
  12. I feel very different from most other students here.
  13. I can really be myself at this school.
  14. The teachers here respect me.
  15. People here know I can do good work.
  16. I wish I were in a different school.
  17. I feel proud of belonging to my school.
  18. Other students here like me the way I am.

Open-ended Response Question

What could the school do to help you feel more connected?

Demographic Questions

  1. How old are you?
  2. Which of the following best describes your racial or ethnic background?
    b.    You selected other for the question about what best represents your race or ethnicity.  If you are comfortable, please share your race or ethnicity. 
  3. Do you receive services or support from Special Education programs? (yes, no, I don't know)
  4. Which best describes your gender? (female, male or gender non-conforming)
  5. Do you personally identify as a member of the LGBTQ+ community? (yes, no, I don't know, I prefer not to answer)