Equity Indicator - Student Belongingness
This equity indicator, Student Belongingness, examines students’ perceptions of their sense of belonging. Belongingness can include feelings of understanding, respect, connectedness, membership, and/or mattering. The district measures students' perceptions of belonging by analyzing average scores of the Psychological Sense of School Membership (PSSM) by racial sub-group and school year. The PSSM survey, comprised of 18 questions and a five-point scale, is a commonly used instrument measure the sense of belonging to a school among students.
Research shows that students who feel a strong sense of belonging thrive socially, emotionally, academically, and mentally. The average scores provide the district with insights as to what next steps in professional learning, evidenced-based practices, and programming may be needed as we continue to aspire to create a sense of belonging for all students in the district.
Current Update: April 2024
Action Plan
- Maintain an emphasis on Culturally Responsive Practices.
- Move forward with building meaningful student-staff relationships.
- Promote, expect, and protect acceptance and inclusion of all students.
- Create space and time for Restorative Practices and Restorative Circles in the classroom that foster and value student input.
- Continue to employ Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) lessons and activities.
- Proceed with professional learning opportunities to build staff’s capacity and competence.
- Include more grade-level activities for team and community building.
- Continue to include more books, teachers, and assignments that represent diverse cultures and peoples.
- Ensure visibility of posters and classroom displays around acceptance of different families, cultures, races, ability, etc., which will look different at respective grade levels.
- Develop and add more ‘Buddy’ activities for elementary students.
- Employ Restorative Practices to continue to build trust between staff and students.
- Continue to dedicate space and time for focus groups and affinity groups.
- Normalize acceptance districtwide.
- Utilize Wisslink Mentorship model across buildings.
- Reach out to more guest speakers to hold meaningful assemblies.
- Continue to hold students accountable with clear consequences for harmful speech and actions specific towards a student’s/students’ sexual orientation, (perceived or actual).
- Support and promote new and existing affinity groups, including WHS Black Student Union and the Hispanic Latine Association, which complement the Indian Cultural Association, Jewish Student Union, Asian Student Association, Gay-Straight Alliance, and Celebrating All Students’ Achievement; and WMS’s affinity groups: Asian Student Association; Leadership Excellence Achievement Program; Conectados; and Gender and Sexuality Alliance.
- Continue to celebrate Social Emotional Learning and Diversity Equity and Inclusion activities via our district and school newsletters, social media, and website.
- Implement a buddy system pairing new students with existing students to ease the transition into their new school—meeting new people and acclimating to the new technology they will be using.
- Continue to explore translation options with the district’s communications software.
- Identify preferred communication language and method for parents/guardians.
- Provide opportunities for students for recess outside of typical physical activity, such as Legos/board games/art club etc. that teachers rotate for students.
- Continue with the meaningful efforts for implementation of school wide Positive Behavioral Intervention and Supports (PBIS) in the 2024-2025 school year.
- Encourage students to initiate new clubs or activities at all levels.
- Focus on continuing to foster and leverage student voice and agency around district initiatives.
- Proceed with intentional efforts around parent/guardian/community engagement.
- Maintain the district’s partnership with ADL’s No Place for Hate as we proceed with cultivating a No Place for Hate school district.
Equity Indicator - Student Belongingness
In this table and chart, data are represented as average scores of the PSSM survey by racial sub-group and school year. The survey uses a five-point scale to measure students' sense of belonging to their schools. To interpret these data, an example is: in the 2021-22 school year, Asian students had an average score of 3.702.
2021-22 |
2022-23 |
2023-24 |
Asian |
3.702 |
3.779 |
3.774 |
Black |
3.438 |
3.542 |
3.602 |
Hispanic |
3.587 |
3.749 |
3.732 |
Multi-Racial |
3.698 |
3.703 |
3.738 |
White |
3.781 |
3.850 |
3.933 |
All Students |
3.704 |
3.780 |
3.833 |