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Gifted Support Program

The Student Services Department has updated, and made more specific, the gifted screening process for determining whether a student meets the multi-criteria benchmarks for a gifted evaluation. The implementation of this new process will begin with the second school semester, January 30, 2017. The new process utilizes a rubric comprised of a non-verbal ability test, curriculum-based assessments, updated normed-referenced parent and teacher rating scales, and state and local assessments. Students who meet the minimum score, as indicated on the rubric, will move forward to the evaluation process with the school psychologist.

Elementary Gifted Services

Elementary Gifted are a combination of both push-in and pull-out support. Student centered activities pose challenging and creative opportunities for identified students. Students’ strengths are fostered and enriched on an individual basis.

Middle School Gifted Services

Middle School students self-select up to four seminars per year based on a variety of topics. Current topics include Presidential Election, Technology, Trial & Debate, Multiple Intelligences, Writing for Fun, Never Forget, Decision Making, Design, and Art & Architecture. Support services are provided to the General Education teachers as needed in the form of push-in support and/or collaboration.

High School Gifted Services

The Wissahickon School District Gifted Support program for the high school grades 9-12 is designed to markedly increase academic rigor for the students while supporting them in the development of skills to handle the expected work process and product. Ninth and tenth grade students participate in a block schedule English/Social Studies/Enrichment class. The program is co-taught and students are clustered with both grades over the course of two years. Eleventh and twelfth grade students receive support in the college application process and in pursuing areas of interest and opportunities in and out of the classroom. Support is given for the rigorous schedule of Advanced Placement, Honors, and on-line classes that students schedule.

Eligibility for the Gifted Support Program

The term “mentally gifted” includes a person who has an IQ of 130 or higher, when multiple criteria as set forth in Department Guidelines indicate gifted ability. Determination of gifted ability will not be based on IQ score alone. The determination shall include an assessment by a certified school psychologist. (22 Pa. Code §16.21(d)).

No one test or measure is sufficient to determine giftedness, and the evaluation and testing literature recognizes that there is a margin for error in any standardized testing. The standard error of measurement also applies when reporting IQ.

Referral Process for the Gifted Support Program

A student who is suspected to qualify for gifted services are referred for gifted screening by their general education teacher and/or by their parent. Request for screening should be made to your building principal.

Gifted Support Program Staff

Cara Wendler, Blue Bell Elementary

Torie Layton, Lower Gwynedd Elementary

Lauren Miller, Shady Grove Elementary

Katrina Kelly, Stony Creek Elementary

Katrina Rachubinski, Grade 6 - Wissahickon Middle School

Kristin Christy, Grade 7 - Wissahickon Middle School

Bethany Berger, Grade 8 - Wissahickon Middle School

Chris McDaniels, Grades 9-10 - Wissahickon High School

Ryan Perlman, Grades 9-10 - Wissahickon High School

Cindy Pronko, Grades 11-12 - Wissahickon High School