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Our Superintendent
Dr. James Crisfield

On behalf of all of Wiss Nation, I would like to extend a warm welcome to the Wissahickon schools and to our district’s website.

We are very proud of everyone in and everything about our six schools, and we like to think it shows.  Our level of academic achievement is among the truly elite in the state, and we make a point of blending that commitment to excellence with an equal emphasis on student well-being and doing whatever we can to ensure all students feel that they are welcome and that they belong.  Things like trust, integrity and caring about others matter here.  Wissahickon students come to us ready and eager to learn, and we provide them with a comprehensive and challenging program by any measure.  We are also, at the same time, careful to ensure that it is a “user-friendly” one so that students feel nurtured and safe.  Finally, as a guiding principle, our program has as its cornerstone a philosophy that, simply stated, takes as a given the belief that every student can and will learn to the best of his or her ability.

Please take some time to explore our website and see what the Wissahickon schools are all about.  You are also invited to attend one of our many sporting or performing arts events so that you can see our students in action.  However you become familiar with “Wiss Nation,” we are confident you’ll see why we are so proud of our students, staff and community! 

Warm Regards,

James A. Crisfield, Ed.D.

Superintendent Evaluation

The annual evaluation is based upon the mutually agreed upon performance standards of Student Growth and Achievement, Organizational Leadership, District Operations and Financial Management, Communication and Community Relations, Human Resource Management and Professionalism. The Board of School Directors’ evaluation of Dr. Crisfield is that his performance for the period 7/1/23 through 6/30/24 is proficient.