
Our Vision: It is our intention to promote the academic, personal, social, and career development of all students within a positive learning environment that is character-driven, collaborative, and student-centered.



Developing Awareness of Self and Others, Feelings, Listening Skills, Manners, and Friendship

First Grade

Self-Esteem and Feelings, Impulse Control and Anger Management, Self-Control, Communication, Conflict Resolution, Careers/World of Learning and Work

Second Grade

Diversity, Bullying, Responsibility, Coping Skills, Problem-Solving, Decision-Making, Cooperation, World of Work and Learning

Third Grade

Personal Safety Skills, Appreciation of Diversity, Effective Communication and Problem-Solving Skills, Career Exploration, Responsibility, Bullying

Fourth Grade

Personal Safety Skills, Appreciation of Diversity, Stress Management, Bullying and Cyber-Bullying, Career Awareness and Study Skills

Fifth Grade

Substance Abuse Prevention, Career Awareness and Decision-Making Skills, Understanding and Appreciating Diversity, Cyber-Bulling and Internet Awareness


Sixth Grade

Introduction to School Counseling, Bully Prevention, Career Awareness, Respect

Seventh Grade

Goal Setting, Test-Taking Strategies, Self-Esteem, Conflict Resolution, Career Awareness

Eighth Grade

Peer Pressure, Career Exploration, High School Course Selection


Ninth Grade

Transitioning to High School
Introduction to Career Counseling
Introduction to College Searching

Tenth Grade

Career Exploration and Continued College Searching
Introduction to College Testing

Eleventh Grade

Introduction to the College Process
NCAA Information Night

Twelfth Grade

Wake-up Call: Guidelines, Deadlines, and Procedures Required by Colleges
Financial Aid Night
PAFSA Completion Night