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SELebrating Belonging & Wiss Pride

This October, students and staff across the district will be SELebrating Wiss Pride. Each month, the schools incorporate lessons and activities that support social-emotional learning skills - self-awareness, self-management, social awareness, relationship skills and responsible decision making. 

In September, the schools SELebrated belongingness. The opening weeks of school are a great opportunity for students, staff and families to get to know each other and form relationships that are so important to having a positive school experience. Events included back to school picnics, student assemblies and buddy days where students from different grades get together for fun activities. Pictured below are the Kindergarten and 5th-grade buddies in Ms. McGlinn and Ms. Matura’s classes at LGE who celebrated the first day of fall (9/23) on our nature walk trail.

Teachers also work with students to establish expectations for the school year. This includes being responsible for their actions, being respectful to each other and learning to appreciate and celebrate differences. 

LGE Buddies




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