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Glossary of Behavior Examples

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This glossary provides an overview of common behavior examples and their definitions, which are not all encompassing. For more detailed information, please refer to your school’s Parent/Student Handbook. 

 Academic Dishonesty: Academic dishonesty may include, but is not limited to cheating and plagiarism.

Cheating is committing dishonesty and/or deception on an assignment, test, quiz, or other course requirement. Examples of cheating include, but are not limited to:  

  • Copying from another person’s test or assignment
  • Discussing answers or content on a test 
  • Using notes or other information devices not allowed specifically by the classroom teacher  

Plagiarism is representing someone else’s ideas, words or other work as your own. Examples of plagiarism include, but are not limited to:   

  • Copying word for word or phrases or paraphrasing from a source without proper citation  
  • Using someone else’s thought or idea and representing it as your own   
  • Using facts or statistics without proper citation  

Arson: Starting a fire or causing an explosion with the intent to damage personal property and/or school buildings, school property, or school vehicles. 

Assault and Battery: An actual and intentional touching or striking of another person against their will with the intent of causing serious physical harm, or an attempt to do the same, or placing a person in apprehension of immediate physical injury. 

Bullying (Physical, Verbal, or Cyber-Bullying): Bullying means an intentional electronic, written, verbal or physical act or series of acts directed at another student(s), which occurs in a school setting and/or outside a school setting that is severe, persistent or pervasive and has the effect of doing any of the following: substantial interference with a student’s education; creating of a threatening environment; substantial disruption of the order operations of the school. Bullying, as defined in this policy, includes cyber bullying. School setting means in the school, on school grounds, in school vehicles, at a designated bus stop or at any activity sponsored, supervised, or sanctioned by the school. District student means any student enrolled in any school in the Wissahickon School District or any student transported on Wissahickon School District vehicles. (For additional information, see Board Policy No. 249.1 Bullying/Cyber-Bullying.) 

Bus Infraction: Student transportation vehicles and pickup/drop off locations are considered the same as school property. All student misbehavior that occurs on a vehicle or pickup/drop off location is addressed in the same manner as if the infraction occurred at school. 

Cell Phone or Other Personal Electronic Device Violation: The use of the electronic device should not be disruptive to other students or faculty/staff. None of these devices should be used in classrooms without express consent from the classroom teacher as part of instruction. *For further information, please reference the student handbook.

Cutting Class: Failure to attend a regularly scheduled class without proper authorization.  

Disrespect: Making inappropriate and/or offensive gestures, verbal and/or written comments, and/or symbols to others and/or refusal to follow directions.

Dress Code Violation: An individual’s dress, personal appearance, and cleanliness have a bearing on how others react to them and therefore should reflect sensitivity to and respect for others. It should not constitute a threat to safety and health of self or others, or be in violation of any statutes. Dress wear should not include inappropriate or offensive gestures, verbal or written comments, or symbols. Although styles do change, dress should reflect current good taste and a style appropriate for a school day. The purpose of the dress code is to assure that the school population will dress in a way that is supportive of and not a disruption to the educational process. 

Failure to Attend an Assigned Disciplinary Setting:  A student’s failure to report to an assigned disciplinary consequence without prior approval from an administrator. 

Fighting: An exchange or physical aggression, often spontaneous, that results in minor injury. The school has a compelling interest in maintaining a safe, orderly environment that is supportive of its educational purpose. Students who engage in fighting and/or acts of physical force face an immediate and firm disciplinary response from administration.  

Forgery: Making, completing, altering, or authenticating any written document so that it purports to have been made by another party. Note: The offense includes, but is not limited to, signing a parent and/or guardian, teacher, or school personnel’s signature on documents.  

Hazing: Hazing is defined as any situation which recklessly or intentionally endangers the mental health, physical health or safety of a student, or which willfully destroys or removes public or private property for the purpose of initiation, admission into, continued membership, or affiliation with any organization recognized by the Board. Any hazing activity, whether by an individual or group, shall be presumed to be a “forced” activity even if a student willingly participates. (For additional information, see Board Policy No. 247 Hazing.) 

Inappropriate Language: Inappropriate language, including obscene, profane, lewd, vulgar, rude, disrespectful, threatening, or inflammatory language; harassment; personal attacks, including prejudicial or discriminatory attacks; and false or defamatory material about a person or organization. 

Inappropriate Use of District-Issued Technology:  A student’s failure to abide by the rules and regulations of the District’s Acceptable Use Policy.   

Inciting to Fight/Contributing to a Disruptive Situation: The intentional promotion or advocacy of student misbehavior by another student for the purpose of substantially disrupting any school function or classroom. If a student utilizes social media to promote or incite a fight (i.e., videotaping fights and posting the videos on the Internet, texting, phone calls, etc.), the student may be included as a participant in violation of an offense that may include inciting to fight, fighting, or bullying. 

Insubordination: Repeatedly or persistently defying or refusing to follow directions of teachers, staff, or administrators or to comply with classroom or school rules. Students who intentionally withhold information from a staff member are considered insubordinate. 

Intent to or Sale of Unauthorized Substance: The possession of unauthorized substances where the amount would be considered greater than that for personal use by virtue of the quantity, packaging, or other circumstances that demonstrates intent or effort to sell/distribute. Distribution, attempt to distribute, or possession with intent to distribute a non-controlled substance that has been represented to be, or upon a belief that it is, a dangerous controlled substance. Non-controlled substances include but are not limited to drugs, alcohol, nicotine, vapes, edibles, marijuana-infused products and/or over-the-counter medications and medications that are prescribed to treat medical conditions.

Intimidation or Harassment: Student(s) who engage in a course of conduct or repeatedly commit acts that alarm or seriously annoy other person(s) and serve no legitimate purpose. When a student believes that they are being harassed on school grounds, at a school activity, or on their way to or from school, the student should immediately inform the student causing the harm that the behavior is unwelcome, offensive, or inappropriate. The student being harmed should also report the unwelcome or inappropriate behavior to an administrator, counselor, nurse, or teacher. Unlawful harassment includes but is not limited to the following examples:  

  • A person shoves, kicks, strikes, or otherwise subjects another person to physical contact or attempts or threatens to do the same; a person follows another person or places another person in reasonable fear of bodily injury and/or emotional distress.  
  • Offensive slurs, jokes, or other verbal, graphic, or physical conduct relating to an individual’s race, color, religion, ancestry, national origin, gender, sexual orientation, age, or disability which create an intimidating, hostile or offensive educational environment.  
  • Unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other inappropriate verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature.  

Lateness to Class: Failure to report to class at the start of the assigned session. 

Leaving Assigned Area without Permission: Failure to remain in assigned area without prior approval from a teacher or staff member. 

Minor Altercation: An incident that involves a single offender who commits a minor violent act against another individual and the other individual does not respond and the incident does not elevate to a more severe type of incident such as a fight or assault. 

Minor Disturbance: Intentional acts or behavior in the classroom, school building, upon school grounds, or at other school-sanctioned locations that disrupt the learning environments (i.e., talking, making noises, getting out of seat without permission, etc.). 

Misuse of Social Media: Students are encouraged to always exercise the utmost caution when participating in any form of social media or online communications, both within the school community and beyond. Students who participate in online interactions must remember that their posts are subject to the same behavioral standards set forth in the Code of Student Conduct. 

Offensive Ethnic and/or Racial Comments: The use of any language, acts, unwelcome remarks or expressions, names or slurs or any other behavior including obscene gestures, which reflect on an individual’s gender, sex, race, religion, color, national origin, ancestry, age, disability, or sexual orientation that have the purpose or effect of creating an intimidating, hostile, or offensive educational environment. 

Possession of a Weapon: Any student determined to have possessed, handled, or transmitted a weapon onto school premises, at any school-sponsored activity, or on any public or private conveyance providing transportation to or from a school or school-sponsored activity shall be expelled for a period not less than one (1) year. The Superintendent may, however, recommend a lesser discipline on a case-by-case basis. 

The term “weapon” shall include but not be limited to any knife, cutting instrument, cutting tool, nunchakus, firearm, shotgun, rifle, and any other tool, instrument, or implement capable of inflicting serious bodily harm. The term “facsimile weapon” shall include all instruments or implements resembling or intended to resemble a weapon. (For additional information, see Board Policy No.218.1 Weapon Offenses.) 

Possession or Use of Drugs or Alcohol: The use, possession, transportation, or distribution of any narcotic or controlled substance (drug) or alcoholic intoxicants (alcohol) on school property, or in connection with a school sponsored activity at which students are present, are prohibited (For additional information, see Board Policy No. 227 Controlled Substances.)

Possession or Use of Nicotine Products/Vaping/Paraphernalia: Wissahickon Board Policy forbids the possession or use of cigarettes, vapor products, and paraphernalia, cigars, chewing tobacco, pipes, lighters, or matches during the school day on all school property, which includes the building, parking lots, and buses. (For additional information, see Board Policy No. 223 Tobacco Product and Vaping Product.)

Selling Unauthorized Merchandise: With the exception of school-approved fundraisers, buying, selling, and trading of merchandise is strictly prohibited on school grounds and are subject to disciplinary action. Selling personal items to other students is also prohibited on school property.  

Sexting or Possession of Pornographic Material: Students may not possess or display electronically or otherwise sexually explicit, vulgar, or violent material including, but not limited to, pornography or depictions of nudity, violence or explicit death or injury.  

Sexual Harassment: Inappropriate or unwelcome behavior or verbal, written, or symbolic language that creates a hostile environment, including sexual threats, sexual proposals, sexually suggestive language and/ or gestures and unwanted physical contact based on gender or of a sexual nature.  

Student Driving Infractions: While operating vehicles on school property, students are expected to follow all traffic regulations. Failure to do so will result in disciplinary consequences including but not limited to the suspension of driving privileges and loss of parking permit. Law enforcement are notified when necessary.

Terroristic Threats: Intentional verbal or physical threat to do harm to another person by a student who possesses an apparent ability to do so and in doing so creates a reasonable fear that violence may occur. This includes making verbal or physical threats electronically during school or after school hours. A terroristic threat may also cause evacuation of a building, place of assembly, or facility of public transportation. 

Theft: The unlawful seizure or attempted seizure of school property or personal property of another with the intent to deprive the person of the property. 

Truancy: Students who are absent from school without the consent of their parent/guardian and the administration will be recorded for truancy. School administration will determine whether the student’s absence is verified or unverified. Truancy is a violation of state and school regulations and may result in disciplinary action, which may include but not be limited to a truancy citation. 

Unauthorized Leaving of School or Property: Any student who leaves the school or school grounds without consent from parent/guardian and approved by school administration. 

Unauthorized Opening of Exterior Doors: Allowing or assisting any individual(s) to enter a district building other than through designated entrances or allowing unauthorized persons to enter a district building through any entrance. A district building may include a school transportation vehicle. 

Vandalism: The willful or malicious destruction and/or damage of school property or the property of another (i.e., damaging textbooks, lockers, equipment, walls, furniture, writing gang graffiti, etc.). 

Verbal Altercation: An incident which involves one or several individuals who engage in verbal communication in which abusive, profane, obscene, and/or threatening comments are made toward one or more than one person.