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Mental Health & Social Emotional Support

The Wissahickon School District believes that a student’s social and emotional well-being is critical to their overall educational experience. Positive social and emotional well-being helps students achieve better school outcomes as well as create positive social circles. Social and emotional well-being can be highly affected by a change in routine, a negative event, and/or feelings of vulnerability. As a district, it is essential for all students to feel safe and supported.

Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS) is a systematic framework to ensure successful academic, behavioral, and social-emotional outcomes for all students using data-driven processes and evidence-based instruction, interventions, and practices. 

Click the arrows in the drop down menus below to learn more about the type of social, emotional, and mental health supports that are currently offered for students and families, K-12.

The only mistake you can make is not asking for help.

Mental Health image

WSD Core Instruction: Tier 1

High-quality school-wide supports for ALL Students

Targeted Intervention/ Intensive Intervention: Tier 2 & 3

Tier 2 offers evidenced-based supports are provided to students who are struggling academically, socially, and/or behaviorally. 
Tier 3 offers intensive individualized interventions for eligible students not responding to Tier 2 supports or who demonstrate a more intense need. 

Meet our Mental Health Resource Staff

Community Services and Support

Well-being Tips & Resources

Every two weeks, the district shares health and well-being news, tips and resources with the school community. Subscribe to have this helpful information sent directly to you. 

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