WSD Summer Programs
Each summer, WSD offers the Summer Camp for Success programs to help students get a head start on learning and prepare for their future courses before the school year begins.
Click on the grade levels listed below for more information on the programs.
- Kindergarteners Investigating and Discovering in the Summer
- Elementary Summer Academy: Grades 1-5
- English Language Development Program: Grades 1-5
- Camp for Success: 8th Grade
- Camp for Success 9th-11th Grade
Kindergarteners Investigating and Discovering in the Summer
Wissahickon School District is excited to offer the K.I.D.S. (Kindergarteners Investigating and Discovering in the Summer) Program once again. This program, taught by a certified teacher experienced in teaching early childhood level students, will introduce children to the school setting and strengthen early literacy and math skills in a fun, relaxed environment, rich with books and hands-on activities. We are thrilled to offer this program to provide a boost of confidence to our students as they begin their school experiences in the Wissahickon School District. We hope your child will be able to join us for this exciting opportunity.
Recently your child participated in the Wissahickon Kindergarten Interview. The purpose of the interview is to assess students’ early literacy skills such as letter recognition and sounds, concepts of print, as well as number recognition and basic kindergarten readiness skills. The interview also helps us identify students who would benefit from participating in the K.I.D.S. Program. We would like to invite your child to participate in this summer program.
The program is offered to families, free of charge, and will be held at Shady Grove Elementary School located at 351 W Skippack Pike, Ambler, PA. This program will run from 8:30 AM to 11:30 AM on Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays for four weeks beginning Tuesday, July 5, 2022 and ending Thursday, July 28, 2022. Parents are responsible for providing transportation to and from the program each day. Students should arrive between 8:20 AM and 8:30 AM and be picked up no later than 11:30 AM.
Since this program is based on need, we want to offer it to as many qualifying students as possible. As a result, we ask you to commit to the entire four-week program. Should you already have plans that would prevent your child from attending one of the four weeks, that is understandable. However, if you will miss more than one week of class, then unfortunately, the program would not be beneficial as there would be a significant loss of instructional time. Please accept or decline this invitation to participate in the program by Friday, April 22, 2022 using our online form: Registration Form.
If you have questions about the program or would prefer the option of registering by phone, please contact your school's counselor or contact Dana Fields in the Curriculum and Instruction Office at 215-619-8000, extension 1510.
Elementary Summer Academy: Grades 1-5
The Wissahickon School District is pleased to offer summer programs designed to maintain skills in literacy and mathematics and prevent learning loss over the summer months. Our program's focus includes instruction in reading, writing, and mathematics. The goal is to target essential skills and reinforce strategies with students who require additional support to strengthen their reading and mathematics performance. Students are invited to participate in our Elementary Summer Academy based on their performance on various formative assessments. The Elementary Summer Academy is offered to families free of charge at Shady Grove Elementary School.
English Language Development Program: Grades 1-5
The Wissahickon School District is pleased to offer the Summer English Language Development program designed to help students with their English reading, writing, and speaking skills. Students who have received English Language Development services during the 22-23-year and are entering first through fifth grades in the upcoming 2023-2024 school year are eligible to attend the program. This program is offered to families free of charge and will be held at Shady Grove Elementary School. The program runs for five weeks.
Camp for Success: 8th Grade
Each summer, the district offers the WHS Camp for Success offerings - Pre-Teaching and Re-Teaching - for current 8th graders (incoming 9th graders).
The Pre-Teaching courses are designed to address gaps in knowledge that students may have in a given content area or help students get a head start on a particular course. Courses will focus on the necessary skills that will assist students to be successful in the 2023-2024 school year. The goal of this course is to prepare students for their future courses before the school year begins.
The Re-Teaching course is designed to address gaps in knowledge that students may have in the area of Algebra. The Re-Teaching course is designed to review material in a course that students have already taken and passed. The goal of this course is to review important concepts and skills that students will need in order to be successful in the 2023-2024 school year.
These courses are free of charge to eligible Wissahickon High School students and incoming 9th grade students. All of these courses will be held at Wissahickon High School. Registration forms must be completed and returned via email to Mrs. Lisa Kelly, WHS Assistant Principal, by April 14, 2023.
Camp for Success 9th-11th Grade
For students currently enrolled in grades 9-11, the district offers WHS Camp for Success offerings: Pre-Teaching, Re-Teaching, SAT Preparation and a new Media Literacy Bootcamp presented by Gwynedd Mercy University.
The Pre-Teaching courses are designed to address gaps in knowledge that students may have in a given content area or help students get a head start on a particular course. The Pre-Teaching courses are designed to introduce students to material in a course they have not taken yet. Courses will focus on the necessary skills that will assist students to be successful in the 2023-2024 school year. The goal of this course is to prepare students for their future courses before the school year begins.
The Re-Teaching courses are designed to address gaps in knowledge that students may have in a given area. The Re-Teaching course are designed to review material in a course that students have already taken and passed. The goal of this course is to review important concepts and skills that students will need in order to be successful in the 2023-2024 school year.
The SAT Test Preparation course is designed to build the confidence of students who will be taking the SAT test in the coming year. The goal of this course is to identify and implement test-taking strategies and utilize prior knowledge to increase student performance. Essay writing will focus on a piece of writing that may be used in the college application process.
The new Media Literacy Bootcamp presented by Gwynedd Mercy University will cover topics including, but not be limited to: ✓ Understanding and learning to evaluate different commonly-used media (news media, social media, advertising, etc.) ✓ Critical reading strategies for those media ✓ The differences between popular and academic sources ✓ Civic responsibility as informed by media literacy ✓ Understanding and applying rhetorical theories ✓ Skills for discussion and debate in response to media.
These courses are free of charge to eligible Wissahickon High School students. Registration forms must be completed and returned via email to your school counselor by April 14, 2023.
Important: Students can only select one option (Pre-teaching, Re-teaching, or SAT Test Preparation). If you select Pre-teaching or Re-teaching, you can only select one course.